Hours : Mon To Fri - 10AM - 04PM, Sunday Closed

Interactive live training

Incorporate interactive tutorials with quizzes and exercises to solidify understanding and make learning more engaging.

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Project Library

Build a library of pre-made animation projects categorized by difficulty level. Students can use these projects for practice or inspiration.

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Live Q&A Sessions

Host regular live Q&A sessions with instructors or industry professionals to address student questions and provide real-time guidance.

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Offline Learning Materials

Offer downloadable resources like video lectures and project files for students with limited internet access.

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Welcome To Animation Wallah

We will give you future

At Animation Wallah, we're more than just animators - we're storytellers, dream weavers, and visual magicians. With a passion for creativity and a knack for innovation, we craft compelling 2D animations that resonate with audiences of all ages.

What Students Say's

Need to simplify a complex concept? Our explainer videos break down ideas into digestible bites, keeping audiences engaged from start to finish.

5 years experience in the field of study

Our team comprises seasoned animators with years of experience in the industry. From character design to storyboard development, we have the skills to turn your vision into reality.


Certified Teachers


Students Enrolled







  • Software Expertise


  • Flexible Learning Options


  • Portfolio-Building Projects


  • Career Support


  • Affordable Pricing


  • Certificate


Admission Open Hurry Up !

+91 7566950288